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KMI Trends Report: "Analysis on International Cooperation Conditions for Marine Carbon-Neutral Science and Technology"

Introducing the "KMI Trends Report: Investigation and Analysis of International Cooperation Conditions in Marine Carbon Neutrality Science and Technology," conducted from June 7th to October 15th, 2023.

This report explores the latest technological trends and market outlooks in the shipping and port sectors related to carbon neutrality. It analyzes the technological development scenarios from 2030 to 2050, categorizing prominent technological items into the shipping and port sectors.

Additionally, surveys were conducted among domestic and international expert groups based on technology types, and the results were analyzed. Based on this, the future technology scenarios as perceived by experts in various fields are outlined:

  • Market prospects

  • Technical complexity

  • Contribution to carbon neutrality

For further details, please refer to the PDF file provided below.

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